What is diabetes? The science bit…Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to produce or properly use insulin – a hormone required for the conversion of sugar, starches and other types of food into energy.For good health, the body has to maintain its blood sugar levels (or blood glucose levels) within a very narrow range. This is done by using a combination of insulin and glucagon (another hormone, formed in the pancreas).Glucagon’s role is to promote the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver, which in turn provides the body’s cells with energy when needed.When things...
What is body detoxification?Nowadays, you will often hear people referring to the fact that they are “on a detox”. This might be because they have enjoyed a period of overindulgence or may simply be a means of “spring cleaning” their body.Either way, many people feel that they get a much-needed boost from a period of detoxification, including support for their immune system, healthy weight management, clearer skin, improved digestion, better concentration, more stable moods, higher energy levels and more.While body detox may seem to many to be just another trendy fad, in fact, its potential health benefits have been recognised...
When your immune system is struggling, you certainly know about it. With your defences down, flu, colds, and more serious infections can become a common occurrence. So what can you do to boost your immune system naturally? Thankfully, lots. Studies have proven that these 5 natural supplements, foods and lifestyle hacks help to protect your immune system and ward off those pesky bugs. Take a daily supplement containing these ingredients Google immune-boosting supplements and you’ll be faced with a dizzyingly long list of options. Yet while any antioxidant-rich food will help strengthen your immune system, there are some scientifically-backed superfoods...