What is ulcerative colitis?Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which, according to NHS Choices, affects around 1 in every 420 people in the UK; this amounts to approximately 150,000 people. It is a chronic condition, which means that it is ongoing and life-long. However, there may be periods of good health (remission), as well as periods of more active flare-ups (relapses). When active, it causes persistent inflammation and ulcers in the innermost layers of the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Small open sores develop on the surface of the lining and these can bleed and produce pus and...
In the modern world, the nutritional content of the average diet has unfortunately dwindled over time, and most noticeably over the past 100 years. This is due to a combination of factors, a couple of which are considered in more detail below. Farming methods and soil qualityFarmers today can grow two to three times more grain, fruit and vegetables on a plot of land comparable to that of farmers, say, even just 50 years ago, but according to the report 'Still No Free Lunch', the nutritional levels of modern crops are generally lower-yielding. In fact, today’s food tends to produce...
What is quinoa? Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is making the rounds in the media as one of the “hottest” new superfoods. While it’s actually been around for quite some time (like many so-called superfoods now trending), and has enjoyed popularity with vegetarians, vegans and the health-conscious, it is now beginning to gain wider recognition as a powerhouse source of nutrition and a handy addition to the pantry. As a result, it is now relatively easy to find in supermarkets, health shops and in supplement form. But what is it? While it is often viewed and treated as a grain, it’s actually...