Typically, dietary advice focused on weight loss focuses on macronutrients: protein, fat and carbohydrates. And this advice usually boils down to increasing or reducing a certain one of them. Diets that focus on getting more or less of a particular macronutrient vary in popularity, with low carbohydrate diets being particularly popular right now. But proponents and followers of these types of diets may be missing important nuances that exist in the dietary portion of the weight loss equation: fibre. Why a fibre supplement? There are two main types of fibre, each with slightly different benefits. Insoluble fibre, the type you...
It’s a natural fact of life that as we age, our energy levels decrease. Activities that you might have been able to take in your stride in your earlier years gradually become more taxing as you get older. But why does this happen? Why do we become more easily tired as we age? One of the main culprits is cellular ageing. As the cells in the body age, they become less efficient and don’t function as well as they used to. Our muscles lose mass, we become less flexible and our hearts become less efficient at moving oxygen rich blood...
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common causes of trips to the gastroncologist, yet it’s one of the most difficult conditions to treat. Not only is there not one singular cause, but no single remedy works for everybody either. This can make treating your IBS seem like a case of trial and error. But although there isn’t a magic pill to cure the abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation associated with IBS, research suggests that probiotics could be a huge help in helping manage the condition. Here we help you sort the wheat from the chaff to find the most...